18th St/Dolores Park Cafe Spanks it!

"Dolores Park Café coffeehouse boasts an art-savvy owner," Dolores Park residents Walt and Karen Padres described their favorite cafe and who are also self-described “cafe geeks.” The spot’s impeccable design shows its aesthetic cred: Set on a corner of residential 18th street and Dolores, with floor to ceiling windows opening out to a patio, a community table made of bamboo, deep red and brown accents, polished wood tabletops, and recycled artifacts, the café draws neighborhood writers, park go-ers, creative types and loads of neighborhood residents. But food trumps art here, say the Padres, who fell in love with the  fresh fruit smoothies, soy cappuccino, and variety of organic salads and sandwiches from Zoe meats. Teas are from Mighty Leaf and assorted food stuffs hail from some of the best sources, in town and beyond: Breakfast pastries come from a variety of local vendors namely Mission Minis, Artisan bakery; Pepples vegan donuts to die for, an edible nod to Il Fornia and the list goes on from local and sustainable vendors. For something substantial, try the tasty seasonal soups, sandwiches, and daily savory beer specials. ---Elise Gail