Introducing Sightglass Coffee. The Buzz felt around the World

Dolores Park Cafe's new coffee brotheren is a religious experience! If you are seeking out your morning injection of pure unadulterated Bzzzzzzzzz have no fear, Dolores Park Cafe is here! Why limit it to the mornings? DPC is proudly serving Sightglass Coffee. Get hitched, bewitched, a little twitched.

Oh Snap!

We’ll get to you tea lovers another time (we have a massively large selection of Mighty Leaf teas) but we owe our early morning workouts to c-o-f-f-e-e. Sightglass coffee, our personal tribute to you. Sigh.

Come enjoy a heart shaped cappuccino, mocha, latte or a shot of espresso, regular cup'o joe, or just some light and outta sight decaf. We are here for you. Live on the edge and get a soy capp for the road. I think that cappuccino is flirting with me! Uh oh, there goes the neighborhood.